Master Thesis
As a rule, the Master Thesis is conducted in the research group of the responsible assessor and usually lasts one year. The Master thesis should give the students the opportunity to independently work on an individual question of current biological research.
Prior to commencing the Master thesis, Part I (Agreement) of the form Learning Contract for Master's Thesis must be completed in duplicate, signed by the student and the assessor(s), and submitted to the Student Office Biology or sent there by email (electronic signatures are permitted). After the Head of the Teaching Committee Biology has signed both originals, one copy remains in the Studies Secretariat Biology, the second copy is returned to the student and must be taken to the oral Master examination.
Exception: For the Specialized Master Programs of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), the form is obtained by the course coordinator of the Swiss TPH. Send email
The form Expert Opinion on Master's Thesis should be submitted to the assessor 4 weeks before the oral examination together with the printed version of the Master thesis.
Information on the Master Thesis can be found in the relevant guidelines under Regulations.

University of Basel, Biozentrum
Student Office Biology
Spitalstrasse 41
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 14 35