In the Document Administration of the University of Basel, regulations and guidelines are to be found amongst other things on the subject of study (usually only German versions available).
Amidst other items, the Student Regulations regulate the general rights and duties of the students, the studies and their degree levels, the acquisition of credit points, the recognition of course achievements and the admission to study programs.
The Regulations for the Bachelor Study Programs ("Framework Regulations Bachelor") and the Regulations for the Master Study Programs ("Framework Regulations Master") determine in general the Bachelor and Master Study Programs offered at the Faculty of Science (only German versions available).
The degree programs within Biology at the Faculty of Science are regulated by study programs. They are the legally binding document for the degree courses and are supplemented and explained by the corresponding guidelines, which contain additional information on the degree course (so far, only the guidelines for the Master of Science in Molecular Biology are available in English).
The study regulation for the extra-faculty subject Biology in the Bachelor and in the Master program at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences regulate the extra-faculty subject Biology. It is the legally binding document for the degree course and is supplemented and explained by the corresponding guideline, which contains additional information on the degree course (only German version available).

University of Basel, Biozentrum
Student Office Biology
Spitalstrasse 41
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 14 35
Further Information
- Study Program and Guidelines BSc Biology
- Study Regulation and Guidelines Bachelor / Master for the extra-faculty subject Biology
- Study Program and Guidelines MSc Animal Biology, Ecology, Plant Science
- Study Program and Guidelines MSc Epidemiology
- Study Program and Guidelines MSc Infection Biology
- Study Program and Guidelines MSc Molecular Biology